Here’s a startling statistic – It’s estimated that by 2019, more than three quarters of all web traffic will be watching video. The power of video to market to viewers lies in its ability to communicate on multiple sensory levels.

Businesses are jumping onboard to use video in brand-centric promo films from their own websites.  They are creating mobile-friendly clips in an effort to humanize faceless corporations and big brands alike. The proliferation of video on social platforms is simply following the eyeballs of consumers.

Consumers are hungry for video content

As we embrace a smart phone-tethered society, consumers seem to have an insatiable appetite for video.  It’s the medium we love most. As a video production company, Eat New Media understands the power of video in branding a company’s product or service.

 Statistics tell the story of how video can mean success to a marketing campaign

Here’s some additional stats the support the value of adding video to a marketing campaign:

– Adding video to email marketing efforts boosts click-through rates by a whopping 200% to 300%
– Nine out of ten consumers say videos help them make purchasing decisions
– YouTube says mobile video views double each year
– One digital marketing expert says that a single minute of online video is equal to nearly 2 million words

Any business not currently using video to market and brand themselves is missing out!  As an Indianapolis video production companyEat New Media can show you how to get onboard and use the medium popular with your customers. Give us a call.